Greek Yogurt with Chia Seeds

A couple of weeks ago while at the Trader Joe's food sample bar, I casually strolled over for my second helping. The woman behind the counter who will remain nameless, called out my name and asked how I was doing. I know, somehow they all know me, it's almost like I come here everyday or something. Anyway, I walk back over and we start talking. yes, the yogurt is delicious I say, what kind of seeds are those. And here it begins.

A little something about chia seeds. In a single tablespoon, you get six grams of fiber, three grams of protein and 2.9 grams of omega-3 fatty acids. What this means is that it is a very rich plant based source of dietary fiber, protein and omega 3's. It's good for you! Next we started talking about yogurt and what not. She said if you can't make your own the next best thing would be to buy plain Greek yogurt and add your own honey, fresh fruit and seeds. Chia seeds are the perfect choice for this medium. Add, refrigerate, let them sit for at least 2 to 3 hours or overnight. They will expand and plump up, almost like a tapioca in pudding.

Here's what you need for a few days supply:

32-ounces plain Greek yogurt
1/4 cup chia seeds
1/8 to 1/4 cup honey (depending on how sweet you like it)

To prepare:

Add seeds and honey, combine, cover and refrigerate and least 2 to 3 hours or overnight. (This was almost a week's worth of yogurt for me).

When ready to serve add fresh fruit. Enjoy!


  1. At "my" Trader Joe's the food sample bar offers always junk food such as weird sausages or nasty looking meatballs. Your definitely luckier with yours.
    Greek yogurt + chia seeds is a perfect combo, I had a serving earlier for breakfast.

    1. Hi Mike, chia seeds are pretty new to me, just discovering all their uses.

  2. I love that little sample counter at Trader Joe's. True story, that's where I discovered my love of indian food, when they were doing a little curry sample. I love chia seeds : )

    1. I know it's great, I love that place. Thanks Natalie!

  3. Cheri, this sounds like such a wonderful and healthy treat to enjoy at breakfast time - it is always nice to be able to sample interesting new foods while getting some shopping done!

  4. I've never had chia seeds but hear all sorts of good things, and this looks delicious so I'll definitely have to give it a try!

    1. Hi Sweetphi, chia seeds are pretty new for me as well.

  5. This looks tasty. Chia seeds are all the rage now. Will try!

    1. Hi Dena, they sure are, except for the last time I went to Costco they were sampling hemp seeds and saying that they were even healthy than chia

  6. I'm yet to try chia seeds. Thanks for a beautiful introduction! :) ela

  7. I just realized I put my comment in the wrong place. It's early here :) Thanks for introducing me to chia seeds. I must give them a try.

  8. Chia seeds are so expensive here but I so want to try this!

    1. Hi Tandy, they are a little pricey here, but Trader Joes keeps them pretty affordable.

  9. I have tried chia seeds but never liked the taste, I wish was there at Trader's Joe to sample it. I mostly use hemp and flax seeds in smoothies, yogurt or about anything.

    1. Hi Balvinder, I just tried hemp seeds last week and actually like them even better than the chia's. Thanks for stopping by.

  10. Chia seeds really are magic in that sense....I feel like i could convince myself I was eating pudding if I had a bowl of this!

    1. I believe if you let them sit a few hours that is magic.

  11. This is my breakfast almost every morning. I don't let it sit overnight though. I just throw the yogurt, fruit, chia seeds, and a little agave together. I'm wondering now, should I be letting it sit overnight to let the chia seeds plump up? Are their amazing nutrients more bioavailable that way?

    1. I was told that the longer the chia seeds marinate in the yogurt the softer they become. Almost like a tapioca.

  12. I bought chia seeds and have hardly used them except for sprinkling over salads! Love this new way to eat them! Can't wait to try it.


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