Turkey and Avocado Aram Sandwiches

Turkey and Avocado Aram Sandwiches
An Aram sandwich is made from lavash which is Armenian cracker bread. Traditionally it is crisp with darkened bubbles. To soften, both sides are drizzled lightly with water and then wrapped in a damp towel for a couple of hours. Once softened, the bread is spread with whipped cream cheese, and layered with meat, tomatoes, avocados and greens. The sandwich is then cut into rounds like a pinwheel. For this recipe I used Clay Oven Baked Lavash bread from Trader Joes. It is soft and ideal for wraps and sandwiches, thus eliminating the softening step.

*Slice tomatoes and avocados as thin as possible as this will make it easier to roll up. Hummus could be substituted for the cream cheese and any other variety of meat, cheeses or veggies. Also, tortillas would work well in place of the lavash.

To prepare:

Spread the cream cheese evenly across the lavash.

Evenly place 6 slices of turkey (per bread),

1/2 of the tomatoes and 1/2 of the avocado on top of the cream cheese. Then scatter the arugula.

Starting on the short side from the bottom of the sheet, gently roll the lavash into a roll.

Slice into 6 pieces. Enjoy!


  1. These were great. Many years ago, I used to have these for lunch at the Grapevine in Scottsdale AZ.

  2. I have never had an Aram sandwich. But I can tell I will love this. Love how easy and delicious this is.

    1. Thanks Anu, it is a nice twist on the classic sandwich.

  3. How pretty and it sounds like a delicious lunch. I like the name too!

  4. This looks so delicious! Don't see lavash over here, but I bet tortilla wraps would work just as great.

    1. Thanks, Angie, yes, I think tortillas would work perfect here.

  5. It's a delightful picnic in a sandwich =) Thank you for the tips on how to use Armenian cracker bread =)

    1. Thanks Kim, hope you are keeping safe with all the rain.

  6. What a great, healthy looking sandwich–love how colorful and fresh it looks!

  7. I really like this as a substitute for the wraps we eat most weekends for lunch.

    1. Thanks Tandy, I like that they are so versatile we also make mini pizzas out of them;)

  8. This looks light and refreshing Cheri. Thank you so much. D

  9. What a great looking sandwich. And now I know what to do with lavash. Thanks for sharing this one.

    1. Thanks Lea Ann, you can also make little pizzas out of them too.

  10. We use TJ's lavash for lots of things, including flatbread pizza! But I've never rolled it as an aram sandwich! Looks so good, Cheri!

    1. Thanks David, we make the pizzas as well, I actually like them better than regular pizza crust. Hope you are having a great week-end, it is raining here.

  11. I love sandwich rolls, Cheri and we make them super often with tortillas. I will have to check out Trader Joe's for lavash so we can change things up! Looks like a wonderful lunch to me!

    1. Thanks Marcelle, gotta love that Trader Joes. Take care!

  12. That looks so delicious! I did not know that lavash was a crisp bread, very interesting!
    I have a lavash that I use regularly in place of traditional breads and wraps. It's one of my favorites.

  13. There was a delicatessen shop here in my town that sold the crisp Armenian cracker bread . It was so good, unfortunately they stopped carrying it. I now use the rolls from Trader Joe and it is easier to handle. Your rolls look delicious.

    1. Hi Gerlinde, this is the first time I used the lavash from Trader Joes was very happy with it.

  14. I have never had a Aram sandwish, but I bet it tastes amazing! Love the combination of cream cheese, avocado, arugula and tomato - all our favorite ingredients. And your photos are beautiful Cheri!

  15. This sounds wonderful, and I'd love to try it with hummus. I've only eaten very crisp lavash, but I'll look around for something a little softer.

  16. HOLY SMOKES those looks so good!!! I want to try that!!! - http://www.domesticgeekgirl.com

  17. I love the sound of aram bread, this would be a great lunch to take to work!

    1. Thanks Caroline, this is really nice if your entertaining too.

  18. Looks delicious Cheri!

  19. this cracker bread sounds awesome, and i would fill it with EXACTLY the same ingredients! very nice--thanks for the introduction!


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