Non-Traditional Decaf Thai Iced Tea, #steviva #sweetandeasy #Nectevia

I was sent complimentary products from Steviva to use for their Steviva Blogger Recipe Challenge contest for the purpose of creating a recipe. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Decaf Thai Iced Tea #Nectevia
A few months ago I signed up for Steviva’s very first annual blogger recipe challenge, you can read about the contest here. There are 3 parts to the contest; beverages (alcohol and non-alcohol), entrees, and baking. I submitted a recipe for the entrée category here. Today I am submitting my Thai Ice Tea recipe for the drink category of the challenge.

All the ingredients needed for the Thai Iced Tea
For today’s recipe I used Nectevia with Stevia which is a blend of organic stevia extract and organic blue agave nectar. Nectevia is a reduced calorie, sound alternative to sugar and syrup and is also gluten-free. It was the perfect sweetener to use for the Thai Iced tea that I made as it dissolves seamlessly and I only added 1 teaspoon for 3 to 4 glasses of tea. Nectevia also has a slight honey taste which I found to be an excellent fit with the cinnamon, cloves, cardamom and star anise spices that makes up my recipe. What’s great about Stevia’s products is that you only need half the amount of sugar that is required in a typical recipe. Also the sweetness from the Stevia-based sweeteners are derived from plants which is a healthier alternative when comparing to the artificial sweeteners.

I started making my own Thai Iced tea a few years back because caffeine in any shape or form really plays havoc on my stomach. Using a decaffeinated herbal tea is not traditional but it allows me to indulge when the occasion arises and not feel bad afterwards. I like the fact that I can use ½ of the normal amount of sugar used in a typical recipe with the same results.

For more recipe ideas, check out Steviva's social media links and websites:






I am submitting this recipe for the drink category of the Stevia blogger challenge.

Yield: 3 to 4

Non-Traditional Thai Iced Tea


  • 4 cups water
  • 4 bags black tea or Rooibos
  • 1 piece star anise
  • 3 whole cloves
  • 1 stick cinnamon
  • 2 cardamom pods
  • 1 teaspoon Nectevia
  • 3 to 4 tablespoons sweetened condensed milk
  • mint for garnish


  1. Bring the water to a boil in a medium saucepan.
  2. Remove the pan from the heat. You can steep everything in the pan or use a coffee press. Place the tea bags, star anise, cloves, cinnamon stick and cardamom pods in the water, make sure they are completely submerged. Steep for 10 minutes.
  3. Remove the tea bags, star anise, and cloves, cloves, cinnamon stick and cardamom pods. Add the Nectevia and stir until dissolved. Let the tea cool to room temperature.
  4. To serve: Use tall glasses and fill each with ice cubes. Pour tea about 3/4 of the way. Add one tablespoon of sweetened condensed milk to each glass, and stir to combine. Enjoy!


I used Rooibos tea as it does not contain caffeine and has low tannin levels compared to black tea or green tea.
Created using The Recipes Generator


  1. My husband LOVES thai teas.. will have to show him this post! <3 -

  2. I still prefer my tea steaming hot, but this one sounds really good with all the spices.

  3. Hello, Cheri.

    Just by looking at it I can already say that it is so yummy. It is really a very healthy way to replace the powdered commercial iced tea.

    1. Thanks Susie, I agree the powdered stuff is full of all kinds of stuff.

  4. I have heard of this sweetener but since I don't take sweet drinks (or eat lots of sweet stuff), I did not pursue it.

  5. I love that you used Rooibos, grown where I live. It's what I use for ice teas all the time. This is a winner for me.

  6. This sure looks like my kind of tea with goodness of spices.

  7. Sounds refreshing and delicious. Thanks Cheri.

  8. Love this Thai Iced Tea Cheri, sounds delicious!

  9. Sounds like great tea! And I've also tried stevia and it is fab!

  10. Okay, after admitting that I don't drink coffee, I think a few bloggers thought I was crazy... but here we go again! I don't drink tea, either. But, happily, Markipedia does and will LOVE this especially because its decaf! It's so beautifully presented, too, Cheri! Makes me wIsh I did drink tea!

    1. Hi David, I didn't realize that you didn't drink coffee or tea, I can only drink decaf anymore.....thanks for stopping by, back in Phoenix now.

  11. I've never tried a Thai Iced Tea before, but it sounds so good. You have so much flavor in incorporated!

  12. i've never had thai iced tea, but from the looks of it, i'd enjoy it very much!!

    1. Hi Grace, it really is delicious and full of flavor.

  13. Thai tea has always been something I I enjoy drinking, yours looks delicious.

  14. Your Thai tea looks and sounds divine! Hope you win Cheri =)

  15. I LOVE Thai iced tea so much! This version looks really yummy!

  16. I like Thai iced tea and your sounds awesome Cheri. Would surely give it a go sometime soon.

  17. Love iced tea! And it's my usual beverage when we're out for lunch. Haven't tried Thai iced tea, though -- sounds really interesting. Gotta try it! Thanks so much.

  18. This sounds amazing, I love iced tea and those spices.....yum.

  19. Such a delicious way to shake up my addiction to tea!!

  20. Sounds delicious and very healthy with all the spices.

  21. Iced tea is great, but I've never had Thai iced tea, it looks and sounds delicious, Cheri! I use Stevia and think it's a good sugar substitute. Thanks for sharing and I will be trying Thai tea!

  22. Good on you for taking up the challenge. I think the tea must have wonderful flavour with all those spices. I have stevia in my pantry and should cook with it more often xx

  23. Great idea! Thai iced tea is one of our must-haves when my daughter and I go to the Thai restaurant near her house.

  24. Cheri, I've seriously been looking into Stevia and natural sugar alternatives for us to use at home since I've started my 2018 diet!! :) I've only seen mixtures of pure cane sugar and Stevia at our store. Nectevia with agave nectar is new to me, I'll have to check them out. Love the spices in your Thai iced tea recipe!

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